Lingual braces Melbourne

Orthodontic arch
Dr Martin treating a patient with Lingual Braces at MP Orthodontics Melbourne

Lingual Braces

Hidden orthodontics

Unlike traditional braces which are fitted to the front of your teeth, lingual braces are hidden behind your teeth so they are virtually invisible. Lingual braces are a discreet, trusted, tried and tested orthodontic treatment that uses state-of-the-art technology to create tailor-made solutions for each individual. Furthermore, the high-strength materials used in creating lingual braces make them as durable, reliable and effective as traditional braces.

Internal lingual braces may be the best teeth straightening option for you if you want to smile with confidence both during and after your orthodontic treatment. They are a suitable option if you believe you will feel embarrassed wearing braces and expect you will try to cover your smile...

Teenagers with Braces

The best orthodontic treatment is one that improves confidence

Having worked with many self-conscious patients over decades, we’ve been witness to some remarkable transformations. Initial resistance dissolves when positive results start to emerge.

We encourage our patients to:

  • Stick to their care and maintenance regime, i.e. wear appliances as prescribed, wear elastics as advised, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily.
  • Appreciate that corrective treatment takes time, but is worth the effort.
  • Take responsibility for their role in achieving the best outcome by working together with their orthodontist, dentist - and the parents or carers who’ve invested in them.
  • Be patient! Adhering to an orthodontic treatment plan takes patience and builds resilience. We’ve had many patients share stories of how they transformed more than just their smiles. They’re attitude and outlook has improved too.

Lingual Braces Treatment

How do lingual braces work?

After mapping the initial positions of your teeth, your MP orthodontist will form a plan of how they want to move forward. Lingual or internal braces work very similarly to traditional braces, gradually moving your teeth into the right position. This is achieved by systematically, over time adjusting the wires that connect the brackets attached to the inside of each tooth. The difference is that these internal braces are discreet letting you smile every step of the way as your teeth are gently moved into alignment.

Patient receiving a regular clean and check-up during lingual braces treatment in Melbourne at MP Orthodontics
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