Case Studies Orthodontic Case Study – James James was 12 years of age when he first commenced orthodontic treatment. The main issues were: Without treatment, James would experience premature wear of his front teeth. Malocclusion of this type can also lead to headaches, and jaw joint problems if left untreated. Orthodontic Treatment Plan Following a detailed orthodontic assessment and discussions with James […] Continue reading...
Case Studies Orthodontic Case Study – Jonathan Jonathan is a 13 year old who presented with upper molars that were too far forward (Class II Division 2 malocclusion). Jonathan also had a 5mm overbite and 3mm overjet. His upper posterior (rear) teeth had drifted forward significantly. This forward movement results in the upper canine teeth being blocked from erupting correctly. Orthodontic Treatment […] Continue reading...
Case Studies Orthodontic Case Study – Luke Orthodontic Background Luke presented with a severe and traumatic overbite. Severe crowding was also present in both his upper and lower front teeth region. During the orthodontic assessment, we also identified his rear bite was misaligned. Luke’s upper front teeth had drifted forward resulting in the upper canines being blocked out. Orthodontic Treatment Options There […] Continue reading...