Orthodontic teeth straightening Melbourne

Orthodontic arch
Dr Geoff Hall providing kids orthodontic treatment to child in Melbourne clinic MP Orthodontics

Orthodontic teeth straightening

The popularity of teeth straightening treatments has been and is on the rise. Teeth straightening is now common across all age groups – and not just to achieve a brilliant smile...

Traditionally teeth straightening was limited to metal braces and was the dread of children and teens with buck teeth, very crooked teeth, a significant over or underbite or missing teeth.

Teeth straightening is now an accepted and sought-after treatment for children, teens and increasing numbers of adults – and for many different reasons.

Teenagers with Braces

Why is teeth straightening now increasingly popular?

Teeth straightening is now an accepted and sought after treatment by children, teens and increasing numbers of adults – and for many different reasons.

Adult Orthodontics in Australia

The main reasons why teeth straightening is now increasingly popular and a generally accepted are:

  1. There is a growing awareness of the importance of healthy teeth and gums to our overall health.

  2. Improvements in technology and knowledge and skill have led to better teeth straightening options, shorter treatment times and less visible and more comfortable treatment options.

  3. An important cause is aesthetic reasons. In the past orthodontic treatment was sought mostly only by those with more severe orthodontic problems, but now this has changed. Along with the trend for an overall improved appearance and improved body image, so too does this trend now include acquiring the best possible, most attractive smile. So, getting rid of ugly teeth as was the requirement of previous times, it is now no longer the main reason for orthodontic treatment. Increasingly we are recognising that our teeth and hence our smiles are a very important part of our appearance – and we all want to look our best!

What teeth straightening options are now available?

The clunky and sometimes painful metal braces of yesteryear are now well and truly in the past. There are many different types of teeth straightening options now available including:

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